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Get foundation

Stage in Latijns-Amerika of Afrika

Soorten projecten

Realizing market access for small holders in developing countries in a public private partnership between service organisations and eFreshPortal (internet trading portal in the fresh industry). Projects are in Africa, Latin America and India (female farmer project, organic farming, coffee project etc.)


Hoe en Wat?

GET Foundation is generating the means to realize market access for small holders in developing countries. They often lack transparent access to high value markets, they do receive different forms of capacity building by service providers such as NGO’s but market access needs to be solved by the market itself. GET Foundation wishes to empower as many cooperatives as possible by giving them access to information and access to markets and direct trading facilities. We therefore work closely together with the eFreshPortal, The life internet information and trading portal. We arrange projects together with the service organisations to link up the coops with eFreshPortal.

Doelgroep         Agrarische studenten, business & management, economie studenten, development studies, marketing & sales



We are looking for interns with lanquage skills, fluent in English and reasonable Spanish or French depending on the country,  and travel experience so they know what it means to go abroad. This internship is challenging, both personally and professionally

Lagedijk 146 A

1544BL  Zaandijk

T:         088-2002292




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