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Master in Amsterdam (engelstalig) From gene to globe: understanding nature and challenging the effects of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change

Instelling:  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences

2 years, starting in september

Voor wie:
BSc Biology (direct admittance),
HBO Molecular biology, Wildlife management, and others with a premaster programme in the first year to eliminate deficiencies

The Master’s programme in Ecology focuses on the functioning of the earth’s plants and animals. We want to understand how nature works, both as an aim in itself and with a view to maintaining biodiversity and to combating the effects of pollution and climate change. In this respect, the Master’s programme in Ecology at VU University Amsterdam is unique because we study Ecology from a plant, animal and systems perspective. Moreover, ecological properties are determined starting at the molecular level – looking at which genes trigger an organism’s response to environmental stress – and on a regional scale. Field observations are used to identify ecosystems’ patterns and functions.

Typical reaseartch topics and interships:

  • Ecosystem responses to climate change.
  • Predicting the effects of pollution using molecular genetic tools.
  • Wild-life management in nature reserves.
  • The costs and benifits of adpatation to climate change.
  • Biodiversity loss and ecosytem functioning.

The specialisation Ecocatch will teach you to integrate the effects of all the different ecosystems that water passes through on the way from the source to the sea.

“The informal atmosphere at the Ecology department made me feel at home straight away. The research periods on one of the Frisian Islands and the fieldwork in Lapland were two fantastic experiences.”
Lies Leewis, PhD student and former master student of Ecology


Gerard Driessen, coordinator MSc Ecology


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