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If I could be Green Office Coordinator for a year…

If I Could Be Green Office Coordinator For A Year…

Hey there! It’s me, your friendly Green Office Coordinator for the Netherlands. Maybe you’ve seen me in your city sneaking into your Green Office, heard of me, or even received one of my annoying emails (lucky you!). As the academic year is drawing to an end I want to take the opportunity to talk about this position in the form of a nostalgia filled tale of adventures and misadventures…..

Teambuilding with rootAbility

groepThis position began with a teambuilding session in Maastricht where I met the charming rootAbility team. In addition to the team I also met my main contact, the infamous Felix, with whom I maintain a loving relationship of pestering him with selfies, and occasionally sharing too many beers in Rotterdam.

Getting in the loop with Morgen

flvlAfter the retreat I headed back to Utrecht to set up my home base in the Green Office, where I had worked previously as campaign coordinator… and thus have become somewhat of a piece of furniture at the office. Once there I began working with Felix and my new supervisor/co-worker/partner in crime/best friend, Floor van den Elzen, who has become a permanent fixture in my life

European Green Office Summit

My first task was to help in preparing the for European Green Office Summit, which turned out to be an amazing idea sharing, motivating and inspirational whirlwind like I had never known. If you don’t know about it, check out the video, you can spot me modelling my backpack in the first 30 seconds. After the summit I felt like I could rule the world… or at least take on some of the projects borne from our many discussions.

GO information exchange

greenOver the next months, I started to figure out my position and work on starting some projects between Green Offices. The working sessions were one of the projects that I greatly enjoyed starting up. I learned about the importance of bringing people together, and how important the exchange of information is.

DuurzameStudent interviews

dssAnother one of my favourite projects was the monthly interview. Each month I traveled to a different Green Office with Floor and interviewed an employee or two. This was particularly exciting for me, as most of these cities I had never been to, and so I got to see a lot of the Netherlands I might never have seen. It was also very interesting to hear the different perspectives of employees at the Green Offices. After speaking to so many people that have been involved with the Green Office, I am happy to know that I am not the only one whose life seems to have been completely infected by this phenomenon. It seems that for many people working at a Green Office makes imagining a life beyond the Green Office incomprehensible.

All in all, I learned a lot, gained experience and made some amazing friends along the way! I highly recommend this position to anyone who is interested in working in the field of sustainability and education, while building a great network, and getting some personal development as you go. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Check out the vacancy here and send an e-mail with your CV and motivation to 10th of June at the latest!

That leaves only one thing left to say, incidentally my favorite Dutch word ever.

[pullquote align=”full” cite=”” link=”” color=”#00FFCC” class=”” size=””]Doeeeeeei![/pullquote]

Valerie Brown

Valerie is a recently graduated master's student at Utrecht University in Sustainable Development. She has worked as the Green Office coordinator for the Netherlands and Belgium, together with organizations Studenten voor Morgen and rootAbility. She is now exploring her options for employment in Utrecht and continuing to learn about and pursue a sustainable lifestyle.

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