Four reasons to become the next National Green Office Coordinator!

Studenten voor Morgen is looking for a new National Green Office Coordinator! I am very happy I spent my past year as the GO Coordinator and I will tell you why you should go for it.
[1] You will meet amazing people
With the current patterns in our global society, it is difficult to keep on seeing the sunny side of the sustainability story. What helped for me in the past year to keep on going was meeting wonderful people from all over the world who keep on pushing things in the right direction. The nice thing about being a GO Coordinator is that you are often the driving force behind bringing a bunch of these inspirational people in the same room, which is even more satisfying.
Celebrating in the GO VU after the NDDHO
[2] You will learn a lot
Being involved with rootAbility and Studenten voor Morgen gave me a look into the functioning of small transformative NGOs. I also started to understand the links between the Dutch Higher Education institutes and stakeholders and sustainability. This made me realize how much I would also in my future career like to work on this topic. Having a lot of freedom in the function was challenging, and made me realize how important it is to ask for feedback and discuss your work with others. The many webinars, presentations and workshops I attended deepened my knowledge on organizational change, system thinking, and many sustainability topics. If you are receptive for learning, you will gain a lot!
[3] Doors will open…
Being “National Green Office Coordinator” is a nice addition to your cv which can be a help with applications. For example, I could participate a UNESCO Training on Education for Sustainable Development, and a study session on Gender in Environmental Youth Projects because of my “title”, and I found my internship at Earth Charter International due to my network that I built within the GO movement.
[4] Fun fun fun!
Last but not least, you will have a great time. The most memorable moments for me were:
- The European Green Office Summit in Amsterdam: four days full of inspiring talks, workshops and people;
- National Day of Sustainability in Higher Education with inspiring speakers, lots of Tony’s Chocolonely and the results of the SustainaBul ranking;
- Discovering Wageningen’s green side at the Green Office Excursion;
- Best Asian food at the Studenten voor Morgen Lustrum.
Ankie, pubquiz master at the European Green Office Summit