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Duurzame Studies: Hernieuwde Versie!

Duurzame studies: Hernieuwde versie!

Je bent aangekomen op de meest bezochte pagina van Duurzame Student: Duurzame Studies. En dat vinden wij heel belangrijk, want hoe meer studenten kiezen voor een duurzame studie, hoe sterker wij gezamenlijk staan!
T.A.P.A.S. Transforming The World

T.A.P.A.S. transforming the world

“There Is No Alternative”, Margaret Thatcher famously declared. Global capitalism, neoliberalism - whatever you want to call what we are living by now - trumped communism and marks the end…

Little green stories in Leipzig

So there it was, the moment had come to leave the Netherlands and to go and live in Leipzig for half a year.  A city in the East of Germany,…

Journey to Gloucester

A tale of inspiring surprises and two foxes The glistening of almost orange, past midday sunlight on the seemingly forever flowing sea creates a silver landscape behind the window I am seated next to. I am on my way to the land of Royal Guards, Mo...

Verslag: Urban Challenge in Zuid-Afrika

winnaars Urban Challenge doen verslag van hun projectreis Day 1: 23rd of April. Arrived safely in the Mother City Early morning we (Merel, Jan, Astrid and Liana) met at Schiphol Amsterdam to catch a plane to Cape Town, the Mother City of South Afr...
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